Best Quality with Reasonable Cost

As ExpertMar, we provide you the best quality service in cooperation with our approved local partners as customised to the nationality and religion of the ship’s crew.

ExpertMar, a leading Marine provisions supply has been providing reliable services to Ship Owners and Ship Managers. ExpertMar has been established as the benchmark for providing fresh quality. Having developed their systems over the years, we truly understand difficulties and logistics in ship supply and management.

ExpertMar has developed a supplier and logistics chain system around the world, which is utilised to ensure that the service remains constant and cost savings are easy.

Our considerable purchasing power means that we can obtain good quality provisions for reasonable prices for our clients. We visit our suppliers on regular bases as part of our control system. It is our responsibility to ensure that each vessel receives best quality with reasonable cost.

ExpertMar also supplys all kinds of ships request (Deck, Engine, Cabin, Spare Parts) at the same time in order to avoid extra logistics and transportation cost.

We are only working with certified and approved companies as we are committed to good quality.

Our prior principle is to supply you the best quality 7/24 worldwide and offer reliable service as a result of our experience and knowledge of years.
"We are there, whenever and wherever you need us."